Sexual Health Conference hosted in Cork by Ireland's first Sexual Health Network

Sexual Health Conference hosted in Cork by Ireland's first Sexual Health Network

The Sexual Health Network hosted its first Sexual Health Conference today (Wednesday 12th February), in Cork City Hall, with a view to highlighting the various sexual health resources available in Cork.

From dedicated counselling, to exhaustive information to screening and testing, the network’s organisations ensure that people of Cork have access to and support in all matters of sexual health. The conference presentations centred on how services can effectively respond to client, service user and population need.

A welcome address was given by Ms. Priscilla Lynch, Head of Service, Health & Wellbeing, Cork-Kerry Community Healthcare, while Dr. Kate Dawson from the National University of Ireland, Galway, delivered the keynote speech, which focused on pornography use as a public health issue.

Ms. Maeve O’Brien, the Acting Programme Lead for the HSE Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy Programme, followed with a presentation entitled ‘Implementing the National Sexual Health Strategy 2015-2020. Progress and Next Steps’.

The conference also received insights on trends in STI notifications in Cork and Kerry from Dr. Aline Brennan, Department of Public Health, HSE South .

Finally Martin Davoren, Executive Director of the Sexual Health Centre, gave closing remarks.

The network members include clinical, support and capacity building services.

·         Clinical services: STI/GUM Clinic, HIV Clinic, and the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit

·         Support services: Cork Sexual Violence Centre, LINC, the Gay Project, and the Youth Health Service

·         Capacity Building:  The Sexual Health Centre, Health Promotion & Improvement, and the Union of Students in Ireland

For more information on the Sexual Health Network visit

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 Ireland’s first sexual health network to host conference in Cork

Ireland’s first sexual health network to host conference in Cork